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Restoring Original Christianity

Picture of Jerusalem
Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)
If Jesus of Nazareth were to return to the earth today, would He recognize the religion that is using His name? Not at all! Mankind has twisted Jesus Christ’s teachings so that the religion bearing His name has practically no relationship to what He and the Apostles actually lived and believed. Can you find a Church that strives to live by the original teachings of Christianity? Can you prove for yourself what God’s Truth really is? This booklet will give you the all

Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled!

John H. Ogwyn (1949-2005)
Many consider Revelation the most difficult-to-understand book in the Bible. Some dismiss its complicated narrative and vivid descriptions as mere allegory. Others assume that it recounts past history. The truth, however, is far more remarkable: if you understand Revelation, you can know the future of our world!

The Bible: Fact or Fiction?

Opened Bible
Douglas S. Winnail
Is the Bible just a collection of myths and legends, or is it the inspired word of God? Many assume that modern scholarship has discredited the Bible, but the facts of history — and the discoveries of archaeology — confirm its contents to be true! The Bible recounts the past with amazing accuracy — and it predicts the future like no other book! Most of the world has been misled and misinformed about the Bible. You need to understand the truth — and how it can affect your life!

The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan

Unleavened Bread and wine
Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)
What are the most important days on the Christian calendar? Most would say Christmas and Easter. But the first followers of Jesus Christ observed NEITHER of these days. They followed Christ’s example and observed the SAME Holy Days that Jesus Christ Himself observed! The Holy Days are not obsolete “Jewish” observances, but in fact picture, in sequence, the destiny God has planned for ALL humanity. God Himself ordained these Holy Days for ALL of His people to observe.

The Middle East in Prophecy

View of the Temple Mount
Richard F. Ames
Jerusalem is the most important city in the world. Scripture shows that the region surrounding it – the Middle East – will eventually explode into world war. Do you know what the Bible teaches about the end-time climax of world events in that region? You may be surprised!

The Real God: Proofs and Promises

planet earth and the universe
Douglas S. Winnail
Why is the God of the universe not real to most people today? Why is there so much skepticism and doubt about God? If you have ever pondered these questions, the answers could change your life! In this booklet we will examine the sources of modern misunderstandings about God, and consider seven proofs that reveal the true God.

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments
Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)
Today’s “modern” society is in conflict over the Ten Commandments. Have they been “done away” by divine fiat or by mankind’s march toward scientific knowledge? Should they be displayed in public places, or reserved for the church? Are they a burden to “enlightened” people, or a blessing to those who obey them?